Put your pasta on the boil. The sauce will take no more time than it takes for the water to come to the boil and the pasta to cook.
Begin making your sauce, as for many tomato and other sauces, by frying a clove or two of slightly crushed garlic (and a peperoncino, if you like a little 'heat') in some olive oil over gentle heat
As soon as the garlic begins to give off its aroma and very slightly brown, add the tomatoes and simmer them until they are well reduced. Then add a few anchovy fillets, a handful of capers, a few pitted black olives, some chopped parsley and a can of tunafish packed in olive oil. Simmer only for a minute or so and turn off the heat.
When the pasta is cooked very al dente, add it to the tomato and tuna sauce, along with a ladleful of the pasta water. Allow the pasta to simmer in the sauce for a minute or two until it is well coated with the sauce. Serve immediately. Do not serve with grated cheese.