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Pasta e fagioli: The Authentic Recipe

Total Time45 minutes


  • 100 g 4 oz. pancetta
  • 2 or 3 garlic cloves slightly crushed
  • A sprig of fresh rosemary
  • A peperoncino optional
  • Olive Oil
  • 3-4 canned tomatoes plus a bit of juice
  • 500 g 1 lb. (or one large can) cannellini beans, pre-boiled or canned, drained
  • Water or homemade broth
  • 500 g 1 lb. ditali or other soup pasta (see Notes), parboiled
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Grated pecorino cheese


  • If pre-boiling the beans, pre-soak them overnight in abundant water. Simmer them the next day until tender, about an hour or so depending on how old your beans are, seasoning with salt towards the end of cooking. (If you like, you can add a garlic clove and a sprig of parsley.)
  • Fry the pancetta, cut up into cubes or lardons, in olive oil until just beginning to brown, then add the garlic cloves and rosemary. (You can also add a peperoncino at this point if you like some spice.)
  • Just when you start to smell the garlic and rosemary, add the canned tomatoes, which you should crush in your hands as you add them to the pot. (I just add one or two plus a little juice, just enough to lightly color the soup and add a little flavor) and simmer until the tomatoes have separated from the oil.
  • Then add your cannellini beans, allow them to simmer for a minute or two to insaporire (absorb the flavors of the tomato and other ingredients) and then add water (or broth) and partially cooked pasta (see below).
  • Continue simmering, squashing some of the beans against the side of the pot so that they 'melt' into the liquid and thicken it, until the pasta is fully cooked.
  • I like to mix in a bit of grated pecorino cheese to enrich the soup before serving. Serve topped with you choice of additional grated cheese, freshly ground pepper and/or un filo d'olio.