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Timballo di pasta con melanzane

Pasta timbale with eggplant


  • 300g 10-1/2 oz anelletti  or another pasta of your choice

For the sauce

  • 1 bottle 1 bottle of passata di pomodoro
  • 2-3 cloves garlic
  • 1-2 sprigs fresh basil leaves
  • salt 
  • olive oil

To assemble the timballo

  • 2-3 medium to large eggplants thinly sliced lengthwise
  • 75g (2-1/2 oz) freshly grated parmigiano-reggiano or pecorino romano
  • 250g 1/2 lb mozzarella, scamorza or caciocavallo cheese sliced or cut into cubes
  • Olive oil


  • Slice the eggplants lengthwise in thin (but not paper thin) slices, say about 1cm (3/8 inch). Lay the slices in a colander, salting them lightly on both sides. Let sit at least an hour. Then pat the slices dry and fry them in olive oil until they have softened and lightly browned. Lay out paper towels to soak up the excess oil and set aside until needed. 
  • Meanwhile, in a saucepan, sauté the garlic cloves gently in abundant olive oil. When the garlic is just beginning to brown slightly around the edges, add the passata and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, until it had reduced and separated from the oil. A few minutes before it's done, throw the basil leaves in the saucepan and season with salt to taste. 
  • Cook the pasta until it's slightly underdone. Drain and pour into a large mixing bowl. Add as much of the sauce as you need to coat the pasta nicely (without drowning it!) along with the grated cheese. Taste and adjust for seasoning. 
  • Gingerly lay the fried eggplant slices in a decorative pattern to cover the bottom of a well-greased springform pan about 19cm/7-1/2 inches in across, slightly overlapping.
  • Pour half the pasta into the mold. Lay the slices of mozzarella or scamorza here and there over the pasta, leaving a small border at the outer edge of the pan. Cover with the rest of the pasta and flatten it out with a spatula. Take the ends of the eggplant and fold them in over the pasta. Cover the bottom with any remaining eggplant slices. Using paper towels or parchment paper for protection, gently press down on the top to flatten things out and consolidate the filling. 
  • Bake the assembled timballo in a moderately hot (190C/375F) oven for 30-40 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it rest for at least 15-20 minutes. 
  • Flip the timballo on to a serving dish and unmold it. Serve cut into wedges with some more sauce on the side for those who want it.