Memorie di Angelina is six months old!

Dear readers,

As this year draws to a close, and a new year is about to begin, I wanted to take a moment to share with you two important milestones for Memorie di Angelina: this little blog turned six months old yesterday and, almost exactly at the same time, got its 1500th follower! Funny to think that it all started with a few recipes that I wanted to share with friends on Facebook only half a year ago. A real tribute to the enduring allure of old-fashioned home cooking, modern life and its time-robbing pressures notwithstanding.

Let me extend many thanks to all of you who have found these little scribbles of mine worth reading on a regular basis. Here’s wishing you the best for the coming year. Do come back soon for more dishes inspired by nonna Angelina! And here’s hoping that in 2010 more of us rediscover the joys of real food, cooked at home by loved ones for loved ones. The little bit of extra time it takes to cook at home pays off handsomely in the long run in health and happiness. Just remember, as they say in Italian: A tavola non si invecchia! —you never grow old at the table.


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15 thoughts on “Memorie di Angelina is six months old!”

  1. Congratulations on your sixth month anniversary Frank. Your writing style and delicious food is a wonderful tribute to your beloved relative. Glad you are so into this blogging stuff!

  2. Thanks, everyone, for these kind remarks. The appreciation is what makes blogging so much fun!

    @Francine, my father is the kid in the middle–he is now 75 years old, which tells you how old the photo is…

  3. I have found your blog not only educating but I find myself often reading it just for pleasure lol. I always browse through the different recipes and have tried a few to much success! Huge congrats and heres to a New Year full of flavour!

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