Antipasti are Italian for appetizers, but they are always eaten at table, as a savory beginning to the meal. Antipasti are not every day affairs, but they are the sine qua non of important dinners and holiday meals. Many antipasti can also do service as a light secondo piatto or second course.

Affettati misti (Mixed Cured Meats)
Asparagi alla milanese (Asparagus Milan-Style)
Asparagi in casseruola (Cavalcanti’s Sautéed Asparagus)

Baccalà mantecato (Venetian Whipped Baccalà)
Bagna cauda (Piedmontese Anchovy ‘Fondue’)
Barchette di radicchio (Radicchio “Boats” with Mascarpone, Gorgonzola and Glazed Walnuts)
Barchette di sedano con gorgonzola e noci (Celery Boats with Gorgonzola and Walnuts)

Calzone di cipolla alla pugliese (Puglian Onion Pie)
Caponata (Sicilian Eggplant Antipasto)
Cappelle di funghi alla griglia (Grilled Mushroom Caps)
Carciofi alla giudia (Roman-Jewish Style Artichokes)
Carciofi imbottiti (Angelina’s Stuffed Artichokes)

Carciofi alla parmigiana (Artichokes Parmesan)
Carciofi alla romana (Roman-Style Braised Artichokes)
Carpaccio (Carpaccio, the Original Recipe)
Carpaccio di salmone affumicato (Smoked Salmon Carpaccio)
Casatiello (Neapolitan Easter Bread)
Cialedda (Puglia Bread and Tomato Salad)
Cocktail di gamberetti (Shrimp Cocktail Italian-Style)
Coste di bieta grainate (Gratinéed Swiss Chard Stems)
Cozze al gratin (Gratinéed Mussels)
Crochette di patate (Potato Croquettes)
Crostini di fegatini (Chicken Liver Canapés)

Erbazzone (Savory Green Pie)

Fagioli e tonno (Bean and Tunafish Salad)
Farinata genovese (Genovese Chickpea Flatbread)
Fave e pecorino (Fava Beans and Pecorino Cheese)
Fiori di zucca fritti (Fried and Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms)
Fiori di zucca alla ligure (Ligurian Style Zucchini Blossoms)
Frico (Potato and Cheese Pancake)
Fried Mixed Vegetables (Angelina’s Fried Veggies)

Fritelle di pasta cresciuta con zucchine (Zucchini Fritters)
Funghi Ripieni al forno (Oven-Roasted Stuffed Mushrooms)
Gattó di patate (Potato “Cake”)
Giardiniera, Homemade

Insalata di polpo (Octopus Salad)

Insalata caprese (Tomato and Mozzarella Salad)
Insalata caprese all’americana (American-Style Caprese Salad)
Insalata di cozze (Mussels Salad)
Insalata di polpo (Octopus Salad)
Insalata di rinforzo (Neapolitan Christmas Salad)
Insalata russa (Russian Salad)
Insalata di Sardine e Ceci (Sardine and Chickpea Salad)
Involtini di asparagi e pancetta (Asparagus and Pancetta Rolls)

Melanzane imbottite alla napoletana (Neapolitan Style Stuffed Eggplants)

Melanzane a scapece (Marinated Eggplant)

Melanzane sott’olio (Eggplant Cured in Oil)
Mozzarella in carrozza (Fried Mozzarella ‘Sandwiches’)
Olive ascolane (Ascoli-Style Stuffed Olives)

Pallotte cacio e uova (Cheese and Egg Balls)
Pane, Burro e Acciughe (Butter and Anchovies on Bread)

Panelle (Chickpea Fritters)
Parmigiana di melanzane (Eggplant Parmesan)

Peperoni sott’aceto (Pickled Peppers)

Peperoni alla piemontese (Roasted Peppers in Anchovy Sauce)
Peperoni arrostiti con acciughe (Roasted Peppers with Anchovies)
Peperoni ripieni di carne (Peppers Stuffed with Meat)
Peperoni ripieni di tonno (Peppers Stuffed with Tunafish)
Pizza rustica (Easter Cheese Pie)
Pinzimonio (Crudités with Seasoned Olive Oil)

Polpette di sedano (Celery Balls)

Polpettone di tonno (Tuna Loaf)
Pomodori ripieni di riso (Tomatoes Stuffed with Rice)
Pomodori ripieni di tonno (Tomatoes Stuffed with Tunafish)
Prosciutto e fichi (Prosciutto with Figs)

Salvia fritta

Salvia fritta (Deep-Fried Sage Leaves)
Sauté di cozze (Sautéed Mussels)
Scamorza alla piastra (Griddled Scamorza Cheese)
Sciatt (Buckwheat Cheese Fritters)
Sformatini di fagiolini (Green Bean Mini Sformati)
Sformato di finocchi (Fennel Sformato)
Sformato di tonno (Tuna Sformato)

Strudel salato con asparagi e prosciutto (Savory Strudel with Asparagus and Ham)

Torta di porri (Leek Pie)
Torta Pasqualina (Ligurian Easter Pie)

Torta pasqualina

Uova sode in salsa verde (Hard-Boiled Eggs in ‘Green Sauce’)
Vignarola (Roman-Style Spring Vegetable Medley)
Vitello tonnato (Veal Slices in Tuna Sauce)
Vongole alla brace (Grilled Clams)

Zucchine alla parmigiana (Zucchini Parmesan)
Zucchine ripiene al forno (Baked Stuffed Zucchini)
Zucchine «a scapece» (Marinated Zucchini)











3 Comments on “Antipasti”

  1. I’ll pass this on to you as you search for calamari salad . Taking the tastes of a bought salad from an italian grocery/homemade food store I patterned mine to its tastes. Calamari boiled 25 min. drain and cut into rings
    Add small chopped red and yellow peppers, and celery, a few small cooked shrimp then the juice of one or more lemons, a small amount of evoo , chopped parsley and a few drops of rice vinegar for sweetness and tartness
    This so far has been the best I found. I look forward to your professional results.
    Thank you

  2. Love your recipes and your additional; information on origin and history. I am looking for a recipe for Calimari salad.

    Thank you for the recipe on eggplant meatballs. My mom made them and I lost the recipe. Such a great substitute
    especially during lent. Always looking for meat substitutes. Look forward to more from Frank.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Patricia! Funnily enough I don’t have a calamari salad recipe on the blog for the moment, but I’ve put it on my to do list! Meanwhile why not trying adopting my octopus salad for calamari?

We'd love to hear your questions and thoughts! And if you tried the recipe, we'd love to hear how it went!