Memorie di Angelina inducted into the Tuscanycious Hall of Fame!

Dear readers,

A quick note to let you know some wonderful news:

Tuscanycious, the official food and travel website of the Tuscany Region, has just inducted our humble website into their Hall of Fame! In their words, “These websites have received a special badge because they share authentic Tuscan food and wine informations, stories and recipes.” The Hall of Fame includes some of my favorite Italian food blogs, and we are truly honored to be included among such august company. As you will see, our sidebar now wears the Tuscany Region Office Badge with great pride.

Happy cooking!


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26 thoughts on “Memorie di Angelina inducted into the Tuscanycious Hall of Fame!”

  1. I am so happy about this award. Your blog is amazing and so full of love and heart. Even when I don’t get a chance to try your recipies, I appreciate seeing them in my in box, and the way that you write makes each one seem like a mini-culinary adventure!

  2. Lynn Yamamoto Dalman

    Congratulations! And so well-deserved! Your recipes and the way you write them are works of art!

  3. Congratulations, Frank! That is just fabulous! I have always felt that your site is a first class source for authentic Italian recipes and information. Stupendo!

  4. Congratulations and so richly deserved. I am finding you recipes to be the best I have seen and thank you so much. Please keep sharing with us.

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