Parmigiana bianca di zucchine

Frankantipasti, secondi piatti33 Comments

Parmigiana bianca di zucchine

The Italian dish we all know and mostly love called la parmigiana is world famous. But did you know that you can make a parmigiana with vegetables other than eggplant? Regular readers may have already read about making parmigiane with zucchini and artichokes. Today I want to share yet another … Read More

Mousse di tonno (Tunafish Mousse)

Frankantipasti, snack40 Comments

Mousse di tonno (Tunafish Mousse)

Today we have a super quick “non recipe” for you: mousse di tonno or Tunafish Mousse. It involves no cooking at all and, assuming you have a food processor, takes practically no time at all to whip up. And it’s perfectly delicious. To make mousse di tonno, you simply purée … Read More