Funghi gratinati (Gratinéed Mushrooms)

Frankcontorno24 Comments

Funghi gratinati (Gratinéed Mushrooms)

Mushroom lovers will love this dish. I can’t think of a better way to enjoy their unadulterated woodsy flavor than this simple, light gratin which Italians call funghi gratinati. It’s a quick and easy dish, almost a “non recipe”: You just place mushrooms on a baking dish, sprinkle them with … Read More

Insalata pantesca

Frankcontorno, Sicilia, summer32 Comments

Insalata pantesca

When temperatures reach astronomical highs as they have done lately, I often turn to salads for sustenance. To me, they’re the ideal hot weather food. Not only do you general serve them chilled or at room temperature, but they’re generally quickly thrown together and don’t involve turning on an oven … Read More

Cardi fritti (Batter-fried Cardoons)

Frankcontorno, Sicilia32 Comments

Cardi fritti (Cardoon Fritters)

Have you ever tried a cardoon? It’s a unique vegetable that looks like an overgrown celery stalk but tastes like an artichoke, to which, in fact, it is related. Cardoons grow easily in a temperate climate. In fact, they grown wild in California. But for some reason they have never … Read More