Focaccia genovese

Frankantipasti, Liguria, snack90 Comments

Focaccia genovese

Back in the day, one of our favorite places for a nice affordable meal close by the apartment in central Rome was Taverna Parione. Located on a small side street off the tourist-mobbed piazza Navona, despite its location it was the real deal, with excellent food, especially the pizzas and … Read More

Minestrone alla genovese

FrankLiguria, primi piatti, Soups24 Comments

Minestrone alla genovese

We’ve taken on minestrone before, with a base recipe that you can use to make just about any variation you want. But minestrone alla genovese, Genoa Style Minestrone, is different enough it really does merit its own post. There’s no soffritto to create a flavor base, no preliminary rosolatura of … Read More

Salsa di noci (Ligurian Walnut Sauce)

Frankgnocchi, Liguria, primi piatti28 Comments

Gnocchi salsa di noci (Gnocchi with Walnut Sauce)

 I would venture to say that, other than producing Christopher Columbus, Liguria is probably best known as the home of pesto genovese, or basil pesto. But the region produces another kind of pesto, known as salsa di noci or Walnut Sauce, that  deserves much more attention. The most typical use of salsa … Read More

Torta Pasqualina (Easter Pie from Liguria)

Frankantipasti, Liguria, Spring40 Comments

Torta Pasqualina

Savory pies and enriched breads figure prominently on the Easter dinner table. We’ve already featured a couple Neapolitan examples on the blog: the casatiello and the incredibly rich pizza rustica. Today we head north to Liguria to present another classic savory pie served around Easter time: la torta pasqualina or, “Easter Pie”. … Read More