Cannoli siciliani

Frankdessert, Sicilia42 Comments


Cannoli are perhaps the most beloved of Italian pastries, a true icon of Italian cookery across the world. So why, you might ask, have I not written about cannoli in over 13 years of blogging? It’s a good question. Perhaps it’s because I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. … Read More

Insalata pantesca

Frankcontorno, Sicilia, summer32 Comments

Insalata pantesca

When temperatures reach astronomical highs as they have done lately, I often turn to salads for sustenance. To me, they’re the ideal hot weather food. Not only do you general serve them chilled or at room temperature, but they’re generally quickly thrown together and don’t involve turning on an oven … Read More

Pasta con le sarde

Frankpasta, primi piatti, Sicilia42 Comments

Pasta con le sarde

One of Sicily’s signature dishes, pasta con le sarde, or Pasta with Sardines, is also one of my personal favorites. I was lucky enough to enjoy it on its home turf a few years back, during a trip for a family wedding. Unfortunately, replicating this classic back here at home … Read More

Cremolata di pesche (Peach Cremolata)

FrankCampania, dessert, Puglia, Sicilia38 Comments


Perhaps due to Italy’s hot summers, Italian cuisine, especially southern Italian cuisine, offers a dazzling variety of frozen desserts. Gelato is probably the most popular type, but then there’s also sorbetto and granita as well. And each type comes in a wide variety of flavors. We’ve covered many of these … Read More

Cardi fritti (Batter-fried Cardoons)

Frankcontorno, Sicilia32 Comments

Cardi fritti (Cardoon Fritters)

Have you ever tried a cardoon? It’s a unique vegetable that looks like an overgrown celery stalk but tastes like an artichoke, to which, in fact, it is related. Cardoons grow easily in a temperate climate. In fact, they grown wild in California. But for some reason they have never … Read More