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28 thoughts on “Sign up for email updates”

  1. Angelo Tarantino

    Haven’t heard from you for a while Frank…Hope all is well and keep these wonderful recipes coming!

    1. Sorry, Angelo! I switched newsletter platforms some time ago, and I see you weren’t signed up for the new one, so I took the liberty of adding you to our list. You should be receiving the newsletter again now. Hope that helps!

  2. Richard Hagan

    Hello Frank —

    I so very much enjoy your newsletter and website – recipes and stories. I realized that I needed to support your work financially. February 20th I made a $50 donation. I noticed that my copy of the most recent email newsletter shows me as getting a free copy of it.

    Regards, Richard

    1. Thanks for your message, Richard! I can confirm you’re down as a free subscriber. If you want to switch to paid, you’ll find an “Upgrade to Paid” button at the bottom of any of the recent newsletters, just click on that and you’ll get some options. You can also do the same from within Substack; there’s a similar button in the upper right hand corner of any page.

      Thanks a mil for your support!

  3. William Jacobsen

    I might be the happiest person in the world right now. What a discovery!!! Going to be preparing an authentic Italian dinner for a new friend and this might be the most valuable resource available.

  4. I love your blog, thank you so much! We are farmers who raise all our own meat and our butcher doesn’t make Italian sausage. Do you have a recipe for seasonings to add to plain ground pork? We especially like spicy sausage. Thanks again!

    1. Thanks for asking, Shannon. As a matter of fact, I don’t have a recipe yet but I have one in the works. Want to perfect it before sharing it…

    1. Wow, that’s wonderful. I’ve been blogging since 2009, so it’s been 12 years now. You must have been there from the beginning. Thank you so much for your readership!

  5. Bob Glading

    Hi Frank,
    Still cooking your recipes – I liked the Pollo in padella from the last post – planning to make tomorrow when I go to the store and get some decent chicken. Just one problem. Went to print the recipe and the second and third set of instructions are the same (unlike the one in the article). I cut and pasted my way around it but a a heads up to fix for future readers,
    Grazia, per favore stai al sicuro
    Bob Gladding

    1. Thanks for the heads up, Bob. And sorry for the inconvenience. I’ve fixed the recipe card for that recipe now. Happy cooking! Frank

  6. I am so excited. I have been looking for this recipe FOREVER. My mom used to make it. She was from Piacenza. I cannot wait to make it

  7. I enjoy all the recipes I feel like my mom and grandma are in the kitchen cooking. I CAN SMELL IT ALL NOW.

  8. Agnieszka Fulk

    Dear Frank,
    I absolutely love your website-very informative, thorough and helpful.
    Kindly, help me with one issue:
    – What a fresh, unfiltered, minimally processed extra virgin olive oil should smell, look like and taste?
    -Should it always have green color? What about yellow color? Does olive (regional/ country)variety give different oils colors and tastes?
    I have recently bought a locally produced (San luis Obispo county, CA) olive oil from “Homestead Olive Ranch”, Leccino blend, first press, and I have not tried it yet, but I have tried one that was late harvest at the Farmer’s Market, unfiltered, extra virgin-when I sampled it, it left a burning feeling on my tongue, very strong taste. How should such oil be used best? The one I have bought should be milder in taste, so how should I use this one?
    -Is “first press” the best to buy? What means “cold pressed?”
    – What kind of olive oils are best for sauté?
    – How should the oils be best stored, after opening? In the fridge? I know oils go rancid fast if exposed to air and light.
    Most of the oils I have tried, local in California or imported likeTurkish, Greek, Spanish or a Mediterranean blend from Costco, smelled stale-a little like fishy, turpentine smell.
    PS. I appreciate your recipe for a simple Italian salad dressing-oil, vinegar and salt.
    I am not Italian, but grew up with Algerian and French cuisine, and Polish recipes.
    I like Italian cooking because of its variety, health wisdom and incredible plethora of taste and homeliness. Thank you for a beautiful website.

    1. Thanks for your readership, Agniesksa! Your multifaceted question reminds me that I have been meaning to do a post on olive oils for some time now. I don’t put myself out there as an expert by any means. Like wines, there are so many olive oils out there that true expertise takes a lot of hard work. But to answer just a few of your key questions:

      The color of olive oil will tell you about the character of the oil—green ones are “fruitier” and more intensely flavored, while more yellow oils are milder and more subtle. Provençal and Ligurian oils tend towards the yellow, while southern Italian (and Greek and Spanish) olive oils tend to be dark green. Tuscan olive oils are somewhere in between. That doesn’t mean one is better than the other.

      Unfiltered olive oil will be a bit cloudy, as it contains tiny particles of olive, which would have been eliminated by filtering. I actually like unfiltered olive oil. I think it has deeper, more “olive-y” flavor, especially nice when used raw to dress salads or as a topping for soups.

      You get olive oil from pressing (grinding) olives to extrude their natural oils. “First press”, as the name implies, refers to the oil resulting from the first time they do this, and it has the best flavor. “Cold press” means, again, as the name implies, that no heat is applied to try to extract more oil. That’s considered a good thing since heat will alter the taste of the oil.

      Typically, I buy a fairly inexpensive olive oil to cook with: as a base for making sauces and stews, for sautés and for shallow frying. And I have a more expensive oil for using raw. I do almost all my Italian cooking in olive oil, but use peanut oil (or lard) for deep frying.

      At the end of the day, like wine, you will find you like certain olive oils better than others. Personally, I tend to prefer dark green, fruit olive oils, just like some people like cabernet sauvignon while others prefer a pinot noir. But if your olive oil tastes or smell off, it has either gone bad or it may well just be a bad oil. Unfortunately, there is a lot of fakery in the world of olive oils, with inferior oils being passed off as “extra virgin”.

      This is just scratching the surface, but hope this helps. And look out for an upcoming post on olive oils.

      Happy cooking

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