It’s often the most obvious things that we overlook. And so I just realized that I’ve never blogged about patate al forno, Italian Oven Roasted Potatoes —without a doubt the most classic Italian contorno of them all. There’s no mystery about its popularity. It literally goes with any meat or fish … Read More
Verza stufata (Braised Savoy Cabbage)
With all the focus today on trendy vegetables like kale and Brussels sprouts, we tend to forget about good old fashioned cabbage. It’s cheap and tasty and—just like its more fashionable cousins—good for you. And while most people associate cabbage with northern European cooking, Italians enjoy cabbage, too. Braised Savoy … Read More
Carciofi e patate in padella (Braised Artichokes and Potatoes)
Artichokes are usually thought of a spring vegetables, but in many countries, including here in the US, they have a second season in the Autumn. It’s a great time to try Braised Artichokes and Potatoes. The tubers bring the kind of heft you want when the weather turns chilly, and they absorb … Read More
Peperoni in padella (Angelina’s Fried Peppers)
Everyone knows about fried peppers—they’re a summertime standby. They make an appearance at just about every Italian cookout or street festival. But while the dish has become something of a cliché, Angelina had her own, special way of preparing them. Her recipe is simplicity itself, with just a few ‘tricks’ that give this … Read More
How to Trim and Slice a Bell Pepper
If you’re like me, you probably slice peppers in half lengthwise through the core, and proceed to trim out the seed core from each half (which inevitably send seeds flying around) and then slice up the flesh, trimming off the bitter pith attached to the ridges along the way. Well, if you’re … Read More
Pesto genovese (Genoese Basil Sauce)
I’m old enough to remember when pesto genovese, the Genoese basil sauce, was a novelty in the US. These days everyone knows about pesto, to the point where it’s become a stand-by, especially in the summer when fresh basil is everywhere. Truth be told, though, as common as it is, … Read More
Tiella di patate, cipolle e pomodori (Potato, Onion and Tomato Casserole)
I really like the tiella, the iconic baked casserole dish of the Puglia region of Italy. You can assemble a tiella at your leisure, then pop them in the oven and serve them when you’re ready to eat. It’s cooking at its most relaxing. The tiella is named after the … Read More
Le virtù (Abruzzese “Seven Virtues” Minestrone)
Le virtù, literally meaning “the virtues”, is the signature Spring dish from the town of Teramo in the Abruzzo region of Italy. This version of minestrone takes it name from the Seven Virtues of Catholic catechism. Custom has it that you need 7 different legumes and 7 different vegetables to make it, … Read More