Welcome to our new home!

Dear readers,

Welcome to Memorie di Angelina’s new home!

I think you’ll be as excited as I am about this new site. The template is truly beautiful, clean yet lively. I think you’ll find it easier to navigate, faster to load and a lot of fun to use. Widgets are back, so you’ll easily find useful features like the search bar, tag cloud, categories and the archives. And, back by popular demand, each post will be printable and sharable on multiple social networks. It’s compatible with just about any browser around.  And it’s iPad friendly!

Our long-time readers will find all the content on our blogspot.com site here, too. Plus all new content posted every week.

For new readers just discovering us, please stay a while and take a look around. I think you’ll like what you’ll see here on one of the internet’s most popular Italian food blogs.

Happy cooking,



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34 thoughts on “Welcome to our new home!”

      1. peter quagliaroli

        this is a good picture of how I remember my Italian family, BUT I don’t remember them all sitting around with beer cans in their hands! what I remember is that the drink on the table was ALWAYS wine! SALUTE

  1. Complimenti … for the new website and for your “old” but always good writing. Love and use your recipes.

  2. Joe DeGiorgio

    Hi Frank,
    Welcome to WordPress! I’ve been using WP for 4 years and find it very user friendly. Your site at Blogger was very nice, but I’ll assume you’ll do just as well here. And leaving a comment is much easier.

    Love all the recipes.

  3. Beatriz Tavares

    Like in any new home, I’m still looking for the new places of things…I guess that’s normal. But I have to say that I liked the old fashioned style of the blogspot… It was very cosy…This new home looks more impersonal to me… The decoration is also different..Changes are always unconfortable…But also refreshing and sometimes redeeming…Anyway, this new site is very “clean” and it is easier to browse and to search for recipes. Those are great improvements! Thanks for all the hard work! My “devotion” to Angelina is still intact…My only suggestion is that, maybe “The essencial Reading” should be at the top, next to “About” and “Glossary”.

  4. This looks great!! I don’t do FB or the Twitter thingies and will be following via PC only. Looks easy to navigate. I love your blog.

  5. Oops there might be a glitch, I wanted to see your version of ossobuco and went to search and nothing came up. Then went to the index and found it but when clicked on it nothing happened. I am on my iPhone if that makes a difference. Just thought I’d let you know so your tech guy can get the kinks out.

    1. Vicki

      Thanks for the kind words and your faithful readership!

      I’ve tried to recreate your issue with the search function on my iPhone—and can’t find anything the matter. As for the Index, yes, most of the recipes are not yet hyperlinked, but I hope to get to that this weekend. Thanks for your patience, moving to a new website does take a fair bit of clean up…

      Happy cooking,

  6. Frank your new sight and layout are beautiful. I’m viewing from my iPhone right now and can easily navigate around your site.

    I’ve been following your blog for years and looking at it now I’m able to see things I’ve missed. So many bloggers I know have written cookbooks, why haven’t you or an app? With all your content and followers you’d sell a lot.

    I too am in the process of updating my blog, it takes time and its a bit scary. Best of luck to you in your new home. It looks very nice.

  7. laura @ hip pressure cooking

    Oooh.. you made the move to WordPress! Can’t wait to look around and kick the tires, tap on the marble columns, see what’s in your refrigerator. ; )

    Ciao and In bocca al lupo!!


  8. Ciao Frank,
    volevo segnalarti un punto importante per il tuo sito (mi occupo di applicazioni per cell). Un numero crescente di applicazioni iPhone e Android (quelle a tema food) si interfacciano con siti che hanno ricette impostate in un formato standard al quale purtroppo il tuo blog non si conforma. La cosa non permette agli utenti di queste applicazioni di registrare le tue ricette nelle loro applicazioni. Un esempio per illustrarti la cosa si trova qui sul sito di una applicazione di grandissimo successo, Paprika [http://www.paprikaapp.com/sites/] I siti supportati sono elencati e puoi trovare il formato richiesto seguendo i due link. Credo sarebbe benefico per te usare uno di questi formati per incrementare il traffico al tuo blog.
    un saluto e complimenti per il mio blog preferito di cucina!!

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