Memorie di Angelina in the news

Franknews21 Comments


Just a quick note as we dash off to visit family for Christmas. One of my favorite food writers, Domenica Marchetti, has written a lovely article about the Feast of the Seven Fishes, an Italian-American tradition, in the exciting new online magazine American Food Roots.

Well, guess who’s featured in said article? You just have to click here to find out.

Merry Christmas to all!


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21 Comments on “Memorie di Angelina in the news”

  1. I wanted to wish you a happy new years!!! I’m going to an Italian party with lentils… right up your alley.

    The school was Barnard and I just didn’t like it. The most important thing was leaving Chicago and going to NYC. The Village was perfect for me and I had an amazing time there… learned a few things too.

  2. Frank,
    Mille grazie ~ thank you for talking with me about your Christmas Eve traditions, and for linking to American Food Roots. Quite a discussion has been taking place in the comments section about whether the Seven Fishes tradition is Italian or Italian-American. One thing about us Italians ~ we are an opinionated bunch!

    Buon Natale e felice Anno Nuovo. Looking forward to meeting in person in 2013!

  3. The interplay between Italian and Italo-American cuisine is fascinating. If I had all the time in the world, it would be fascinating to study the origins and evolution of Italian-American traditions and food such as the Feast of the Seven Fishes. Stefano would be ecstatic if I prepared baccalà for la vigilia! Perhaps Christnas 2013… Buon Natale, Frank!

  4. Ho letto l’articolo di Domenica Marchetti, complimenti per la tua partecipazione ! Sono passata da te per augurarti un Felice Natale ed uno scintillante 2013, auguri Frank!

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