Our Fifth Blogiversary



Just a quick note. I am writing this back-dated post on July 13, as I just remembered that June 27 was theĀ 5th ‘blogiversary‘ of Memorie di Angelina.

I can still remember posting that first post back in 2009. Back then, the blog was just a way to share some recipes and what I called ‘food stories’ with friends and family. It’s been a long journey since then! In the interim, the readership has grown by leaps and bounds, I’ve learned a thing or two about recipe writing and (most of all) food photography, and the blog has earned some recognition here and there. But I’d like to think that the basic concept for the blog is still the sameā€”it’s just that these days weĀ have a few more friends to share our stories and recipes with…

Thanks again to all our regular readers for your support, your thoughtful messages and comments and, most of all, for sticking with us through the years. And to our new readers, my message on this fifth blogiversary is the same as that very first post: welcome!

Happy cooking!


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20 thoughts on “Our Fifth Blogiversary”

  1. A belated congrats, Frank. Your blog has been my favorite for awhile, and as I consider myself something of an amateur Italian chef, your work here has been outstanding education and fun. Thank you.


    Dear Frank, Happy anniversary, Please, Please keep going, your blog is the most original and I cannot wait to open on monday and see what you have cooking for us. Certamente la cucina casalinga eĀ“la migliore di tutte, basta sentire quando uno cucina agli amici e loro ricordano la cucina delle loro mamme e nonne. Io come toscano cerco sempre di arrangiare cualcosa che ci riporta meravigliosamente indietro con il tempo e che non ci faĀ“scordare le nostre radici. Una canzone, un profumo, un aroma fanno parte della nostra esistenza, specilamente cuando uno eĀ“lontano dai suoi luoghi nativi.
    Un forte abbracci e come si dice na noi….Tante belle cose…..

    P.S. Oggi mo hanno portato un poĀ“di lardo di colonnata, ho fatto delle bruschette dellĀ“altro mondo, accompagnate con un buon vino chianti…….

  3. Tanti auguri, Frank! Your blog brings me back home again, time after time. Thank you for keeping the cooking fresh and teaching me Italian cooking isn’t wonderful just in Toscana. Avanti, cinque anni in pui!

  4. Congratulations, Frank! I’m an Irish-American who loves Italian food and I’ve learned so much from your blog. So I have to say Congratulations and Thank you! Memorie di Angelina is truly one of my favorite food blogs!

  5. Katia Italia

    Tanti auguri!!!! Grazie mille for all of your hard work! I have been following your blog for a few months and really enjoy reading every entry! I am a passionate Italian cook myself and always on the look out for new ideas and recipes! I’m currently in Montefiascone enjoying this summer’s bounty! Wishing you many more anniversaries for this wonderful resource!

    1. Thank you so much, Katia! So glad to have you as a reader! Enjoy Montefiascone and all the wonderful produce you have available. I’m a bit jealous… ;=)

  6. Timothy Walsh

    And you have gone international sharing your blog with the world. I not only draw inspiration from here in England, but even used it when I was working in Papua New Guinea!!
    Congratulations, and keep up the sterling work.
    Best regards

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