Brutti ma buoni

Frankdessert, Lombardia, Piemonte, Toscana24 Comments

brutti ma buoni

Brutti ma buoni, meaning “ugly but good”, is the jocular name Italians give to these nut and meringue cookies originally from north-central Italy (their precise origin is disputed) but now popular all over the country. The recipe is simple enough, though you need to take some care so they come … Read More

Uova sode alla piemontese

Frankantipasti, Piemonte25 Comments

Uova sode alla piemontese

Uova sode alla piemontese (Stuffed Eggs Piemonte Style), also known as uova ripiene al tonno, is an exquisitely simple yet elegant dish. Just hard boiled eggs filled with tuna whipped with the egg yolks, capers and anchovies, and sometimes olives. The recipe is about as effortless as you can imagine, … Read More

Carne cruda all’albese

Frankantipasti, Piemonte, secondi piatti28 Comments

carne cruda

It might be controversial in some circles, but I absolutely love Steak Tartare. There’s something about raw meat that scratches a primal culinary itch every now and again. Italians have their own take on the dish from the region of Piemonte called carne cruda (meaning simply “raw meat”), which is … Read More

Peperoni alla piemontese

Frankantipasti, Piemonte40 Comments

Peperoni alla piemontese

This simple but flavorful antipasto hails from the prosperous region of Piemonte in northwest Italy. The region has a relatively obscure but fascinating cuisine, perhaps best known for its iconic bagna cauda. This dish, peperoni alla piemontese, or Bell Peppers in the Style of Piemonte, features an anchovy sauce very … Read More

Italian Charoset for Passover

Frankdessert, Piemonte28 Comments


It may come as a surprise, but Italy has a long tradition of Jewish cookery. Jews have been living in Rome since ancient times. Jewish communities have long existed in other cities, perhaps most famously Venice, and even in small towns like Pitigliano in Tuscany, known as “the Little Jerusalem”. These communities produced a … Read More