Bigoli in salsa

Frankpasta, primi piatti, Veneto26 Comments

Bigoli in salsa

Venice isn’t really pasta country. As Hedy Giusti-Lanham and Andrea Dodo put it in their lovely 1978 cookbook The Cuisine of Venice and Surrounding Northern Regions, now sadly out of print, “In and round Venice, a series of polenta dishes will be mentioned first, then some rice dishes and at … Read More

Uova sode alla piemontese

Frankantipasti, Piemonte25 Comments

Uova sode alla piemontese

Uova sode alla piemontese (Stuffed Eggs Piemonte Style), also known as uova ripiene al tonno, is an exquisitely simple yet elegant dish. Just hard boiled eggs filled with tuna whipped with the egg yolks, capers and anchovies, and sometimes olives. The recipe is about as effortless as you can imagine, … Read More

Pesto di cavolo nero (Tuscan Kale Pesto)

Frankprimi piatti, Toscana27 Comments

Pesto di cavolo nero

Generally speaking I’m not a picky eater. Just the opposite in fact. There are very few things I won’t eat or at least try. I’ve had alligator in Florida, live lobster sashimi and rattlesnake in New York, fried lamb’s brains and pasta with calf’s intestines in Rome, fermented cassava balls … Read More

Pasta ai peperoni (Pasta and Peppers)

Frankpasta, primi piatti34 Comments

Pasta ai peperoni (Pasta with Bell Peppers)

September is here and, for many in the northern hemisphere, the return to work this means autumn is already here. And here in US, last Monday was Labor Day, which. marks the unofficial end of summer. And yet foodwise September is a transitional, you might even say schizophrenic, month. We … Read More

Tagliata di manzo con rucola e parmigiano

Franksecondi piatti28 Comments


Like many people, we do a lot of grilling in the summertime. More often than not, especially when I’m grilling for a crowd, I opt for a grigliata mista or mixed grill, with its tempting spread of sausages, pork, lamb, chicken and more. But when I’m grilling for myself and … Read More