Bigoli in salsa

Frankpasta, primi piatti, Veneto26 Comments

Bigoli in salsa

Venice isn’t really pasta country. As Hedy Giusti-Lanham and Andrea Dodo put it in their lovely 1978 cookbook The Cuisine of Venice and Surrounding Northern Regions, now sadly out of print, “In and round Venice, a series of polenta dishes will be mentioned first, then some rice dishes and at … Read More

Timballo teramano

FrankAbruzzo, pasta, primi piatti30 Comments

Timballo teramano

Timballo teramano, one of the signature dishes of the Abruzzo region of Italy, is a kind of lasagna, but a very special one, made with the ultra-thin regional version of crepes called scrippelle instead of pasta. The filling can vary from locality to locality and even family to family, but … Read More

Pasta alla gricia con carciofi

FrankLazio, pasta, primi piatti35 Comments

Pasta alla gricia con carciofi

Our last day in Italy last spring was certainly memorable. The train back to Rome from Bari was cancelled midway through our trip due to a landslide on the tracks and, while we got eventually got there, we had a little four hour “adventure” along the way involving panicked crowds … Read More

Pasta ai peperoni (Pasta and Peppers)

Frankpasta, primi piatti34 Comments

Pasta ai peperoni (Pasta with Bell Peppers)

September is here and, for many in the northern hemisphere, the return to work this means autumn is already here. And here in US, last Monday was Labor Day, which. marks the unofficial end of summer. And yet foodwise September is a transitional, you might even say schizophrenic, month. We … Read More