Secondi piatti

Bistecca alla fiorentina (Florentine-Style Porterhouse Steak)
Braciole di maiale alla brace (Grilled Pork Chops)
Brasato ai funghi (Pot Roast with Mushrooms)
Brasato al vino rosso (Northern Italian Pot Roast with Red Wine)
Braciole alla napoletana (Neapolitan-style Beef Rolls)
Carbonade valdostana (Beef Stew from Val d’Aosta)
Carne cruda all’albese (Piedmontese Style Steak Tartare)
Carne alla pizzaiola (‘Pizza style’ beef)Lesso di manzo rifatto (Way to Prepare Leftover Boiled Beef)
Girello al limone (Eye Round Braised in Lemon)
Gulasch triestino (Trieste Style Goulash)
Hamburger alla panna (Hamburgers in Cream Sauce)
Peposo (Tuscan Peppery Beef Stew)Picchiapò (Boiled Beef in Tomato Sauce, Roman-Style)
Polpette di bollito (Breaded Boiled Beef Balls)
Polpettone in Umido con funghi (Meatloaf in Tomato and Mushroom Sauce)
Spezzatino di manzo con la polenta (Beef Stew with Polenta)
Straccetti di manzo con la rughetta (Little Beef ‘Rags with Arugula)
Stracotto alla fiorentina (Florentine-Style Pot Roast)
Tagliata di manzo con rucola e parmigiano (Slice Steak with Arugula and Parmesan Cheese)
Tagliata di manzo al pepe nero (Sliced Steak with Black Pepper and Braised Fennel)

Co(s)toilette alla Milanese (Milanese-Style Veal Cutlet)
Milanese con insalata di pomodoro (Milanese Veal Cutlet with Tomato Salad)
Ossobuco (Milanese-Style Braised Veal Shank)
Petto di vitella alla fornara (Roman Style Roast Veal Breast)
Saltimbocca alla romana (Roman-Style Veal Scallopini with Prosciutto)
Saltimbooca alla sorrentina (Sorrento-Style Saltimbocca)
Scallopine al marsala (Veal Scallopine with Marsala Wine)
Spezzatino di vitello con piselli (Veal Stew with Peas)

Chicken Parmesan (Italian-American)
Coniglio alla cacciatora (Hunter-Style Rabbit)
Coniglio alla ligure (Ligurian-Style Rabbit)
Coniglio allo spiedo (Spit-Roasted Rabbit)
Coscia di tacchino ripiena al forno (Oven-Roasted Rolled Turkey Thighs)
Ossobuco di tacchino (Turkey Ossobuco)
Pan-Roasted Quail with Chanterelles
Petti di pollo al burro (Butter-Braised Chicken Breasts)
Angelina’s Pollo arrosto ripieno (Roast Stuffed Chicken)
Pollo alla diavola (‘Devil-Style’ Grilled Chicken)
Pollo all’ischitana (Ischia-Style Chicken)
Angelina’s Pollo al forno con patate (Chicken with Potatoes)
Piccata di pollo (Chicken Piccata)
Pollo in fricassea (Chicken Fricassée)
Pollo fritto alla toscana (Tuscan-Style Fried Chicken)
Pollo fritto per Chanukà (Roman-Jewish Fried Chicken for Hannukah)
Pollo al mattone (Chicken under a Brick)
Pollo in padella (Pan Roasted Chicken)
Pollo alla panna (Chicken in Cream)
Pollo coi peperoni (Chicken with Peppers)
Pollo in porchetta (Tuscan Spit Roasted Chicken)
Pollo in potacchio (Chicken Braised in Tomato Sauce)
Pollo al vino bianco con funghi (Chicken Braised in White Wine with Mushrooms)
Quaglie con piselli (Quail Braised with Peas)
Rotolo di tacchino (Roast Turkey Roll)
Scallopine di pollo alla valdostana (Chicken Scallopini with Ham and Cheese)
Scallopine di pollo (Chicken Scallopini)

Arista alla fiorentina (Florentine Pork Roast)
Arrosto di maiale con cipolline (Roast Pork with Baby Onions)
Arrosto di maiale al latte (Pork Roast Braised in Milk)
Braciole di maiale alla griglia (Grilled Pork Chops)
Cassoeula (Milanese Pork and Cabbage Stew)
Cinghiale in agrodolce (Sweet and Sour Boar)
Cotechino con lenticchie (Pork Sausge and Lentils)
Maiale ubriaco (“Drunken Pig”, Pork Chops in Red Wine)
Rose di radicchio (Radicchio “Roses” Stuffed with Sausage)
Salsicce coi broccoletti (Sausage with Broccoli Rabe)
Salsicce e fagioli (Sausage and Beans)
Salsicce all’uva (Sausage and Grapes)
Sausage and Peppers, Frank’s
Spezzatino di maiale con piselli (Pork Stew with Peas)
Spezzatino di maiale con zucca (Pork Stew with Pumpkin)
Stinco di maiale al forno con patate (Oven-Roasted Pork Hock with Potatoes)
Verza e salsiccia (Sausage Braised in Savoy Cabbage)

Abbachio alla romana (Roman Style Roast Lamb)
Agnello brodettato (Lamb with Egg and Lemon Sauce)
Agnello e patate al forno (Baked Lamb and Potato Casserole)
Agnello in umido (Lamb in Tomato Sauce)
Costolette d’abbacchio fritte (Breaded Lamb Chops)
Costolette d’agnello «a scottadito» (Roman-Style Lamb Chops)
Crochette d’agnello e bieta (Lamb and Swiss Chard Croquettes)
Lamb Shanks alla romana (Roman-Style Lamb Shanks)
Arrosticini (Abruzzese Lamb Skewers)
Tagliata d’agnello (Sliced Barbecued Leg of Lamb with Arugula)

Alici indorate e fritte (Batter Fried Fresh Anchovies)
Anguilla alla bisentina (Bisentina-Style Eel)
Astice alla griglia (Grilled Lobster)
Baccalà (Salted Codfish)
Baccalà al forno con patate (Oven Roasted Salt Cod with Potatoes)
Baccalà in guazzetto (Roman-Style Salt Cod in Tomato Sauce)
Baccalà alla vicentina (Vicenza-Style Salt Cod)
Baccalà mantecato (Venetian Whipped Salt Cod)
Baccalà alla napoletana (Neapolitan-Style Salt Cod)
Baccalà alla piastra su purè di ceci (Pan Seared Salt Cod with Chickpea Purée)
Baccalà in zimino (Salt Cod Simmered in Swiss Chard)
Branzino al sale (Salt-Roasted Sea Bass)
Cacciucco (Tuscan Fish Stew)
Capesante alla veneziana (Venetian Style Scallops)
Calamaretti alla piastra (Griddled Baby Squid)
Calamari ripieni (Stuffed Squid)
Calamari in zimino (Squid Braised in Greens)
Capitone fritto (Fried Eel)
Cioppino, a Classic Italian-American Fish Soup
Cozze alla tarantina (Taranto Style Mussels)
Fagioli e tonno (Cannellini Bean and Tunafish Salad)
Filetti di baccalà (Deep Fried Salt Cod Filets)
Filetti di pesce al finocchio (Fish Fillets with Braised Fennel)
Gamberoni alla griglia (Grilled Shrimp)
Impepata di cozze (Peppered Mussels)
Involtini di pesce spada (Swordfish Rolls)
Involtini di verza con merluzzo e patate (Cod and Potato Stuffed Cabbage Rolls)
Orata alla barese (Bari Style Sea Bream)
Pesce all’acqua pazza (Fish Poached in “Crazy Water”)
Pesce al forno con patate (Oven-Roasted Fish with Potatoes)
Pesce al forno con patate e carciofi (Oven-Roasted Fish with Potatoes and Artichokes)
Pesce alla griglia (Grilled Fish)
Pesce spada al salmoriglio (Swordfish with Salmoriglio Sauce)
Pesce spada con capperi alla calabrese (Calabrian-Style Swordfish with Capers)
Polpo alla luciana (Santa Lucia Style Octopus Stew)
Polpo alla griglia (Grilled Octopus)
Polpo alla piastra su crema di piselli (Seared Octopus over Puréed Peas)
Polpo in umido con le patate (Octopus and Potato Braised in Tomato Sauce)
Polpetielli affogati (Baby Octopus Braised in Tomato)
Salmone in crosta (Salmon en croute)
Sauté di cozze (Sautéed Mussels)
Seppie coi piselli alla romana (Roman-Style Squid with Peas)
Seppioline alla griglia (Grilled Baby Cuttlefish)
Vongole alla brace (Grilled Clams)
Zuppa di pesce alla napoletana (Neapolitan-Style Fish Stew)
Organ Meats and other ‘Variety’ Cuts

Buseca alla Milanese (Milanese-Style Tripe)
Coda alla vaccinara (Roman-Style Oxtail)
Fegato alla veneziana (Venetian-Style Liver and Onions)
Rognoncini trifolati (Sautéed Kidneys)
Soffritto napoletano (Neapolitan Style Braised Offal)
Trippa alla fiorentina (Florentine-Style Tripe)
Trippa all romana (Roman-Style Tripe)
Trippa con patate (Tripe and Potatoes)
Trippa e patate alla calabrese (Calabrian Style Tripe and Potatoes)
Mixed Meats

Il Gran Bollito Misto (Mixed Boiled Meats)
Bollito Misto and Other Boiled Dinners
Grigliata Mista (Mixed Grilled Meats)
Polpettone (e polpettine) (Italian Meatloaf and Meatballs)
Spiedini (Italian Kebobs)

Asparagi alla milanese (Asparagus Milan-Style)
Bollito di verdure (Mixed Poached Vegetables)
Cappelle di funghi alla griglia (Grilled Mushroom Caps)
Carciofi alla giudia (Roman-Jewish Style Artichokes)
Carciofi imbottiti (Angelina’s Stuffed Artichokes)
Cavolfiore al gratin (Gratinéed Cauliflower)
Cordon bleu di melanzane (Eggplant Cordon Bleu)
Fagioli con le cotiche (Roman-Style Pork and Beans)
Fagiolini in fricassea (Green beans in egg and lemon sauce)
Fave e cicoria (Fava Bean Purée and Sautéed Chicory)
Finocchi gratinati (Gratinéed Fennel)
Fiori di zucca ripieni e fritti (Fried and Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms)
Fried Mixed Vegetables
Funghi Ripieni al forno (Oven-Roasted Stuffed Mushrooms)
Insalata caprese (Tomato and Mozzarella Salad)
Involtini di asparagi e pancetta (Asparagus and Pancetta Rolls)
Parmigiana bianca di zucchine (Zucchini Parmesan without Tomato)
Parmigiana di melanzane (Eggplant Parmesan)
Puntarelle alla romana, Mock (Roman-Style Chicory with Anchovy Vinaigrette)
Sformatini di fagiolini (Green Bean Timbales)
Torta salata di zucca (Savory Pumpkin Pie)
Vignarola (Roman-Style Spring Vegetable Medley)
Zucchine cacio e uova (Zucchini with Egg and Cheese)
Zucchine alla parmigiana (Zucchini Parmesan)
Zucchine ripiene al forno (Baked Stuffed Zucchini)
Egg Dishes

Frittata, Basic recipe for Making
Filoscio napoletano (Neapolitan Mozzarella Omelette)
Frittata di asparagi e pancetta (Asparagus and Pancetta Frittata)
Frittata al basilico (Basil Frittata)
Frittata ai carciofi (Frittata with Artichokes)
Frittata di maccheroni avanzati (Leftover Pasta Frittata)
Frittata di pane (Bread Frittata)
Frittata di patate e cipolle (Potato and Onion Frittata)
Frittata con patate e salsicce (Potato and Sausage Frittata)
Frittata ai peperoni (Frittata with Peppers)
Frittata di pomodoro (Tomato Frittata)
Frittata di salsiccia, patate e funghi (Sausage, Potato and Mushroom Frittata)
Frittata di zucchine (Zucchini Frittata)
Frittatine in trippa (Frittata Strips in Tomato Sauce)
Uova in purgatorio (Eggs “in Purgatory”)
Pallotte cacio e uova (Cheese and Egg Balls)
Do have fried oysters?
No recipe for fried oysters yet, Herbert. Sorry! But you could easily adapt any of the batter-fried recipes you find here for use with oysters. Same technique. The batter for filetti di baccalà</em>, for example, should work quite nicely for oysters.
Me? Oh, how I love plump, fried oysters. I don’t know if there any dish more deeply satisfying than sweet, fresh oysters dredged in seasoned flour, and lightly pan fried to yield a succulent, delicate and crispy treat.
Although oysters have been consumed in this country by the Pilgrims and before that by native Americans, they were not commonly breaded and cooked in oil until the mid-19th Century.
In 1864 President Abraham Lincoln passed out fried oysters on election night to reward the faithful. It was a relatively new dish then but it quickly gained in popularity.
In his 1880 book, A Tramp Abroad, Mark Twain, wrote, “It has now been many months…since I have had a nourishing meal, but I shall soon have one — a modest, private affair, all to myself. I have selected a few dishes, and made out a bill of fare, which will go home in the steamer that precedes me, and be hot when I arrive …” Fried oysters were at the top of that list.
Oysters can be breaded with batter, including tempura batter, cornmeal, breadcrumbs, cracker crumbs and deep-fried. Or they can simply be rolled in seasoned flour and pan fried. Without question, that’s my favorite!
Fried oysters are easy to make if you buy them already shucked. For the most succulent use larger “select” oysters.
For Oysters
oil, for frying
3 dozen large freshly shucked oysters
creole seasoning, recipe follows
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup all-purpose flour (for something different try masa or other flour)
12 ounces homemade croutons
3 ounces Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, shavings
For Creole Seasoning
2 ½ tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon dried oregano
1 tablespoon dried thyme
Heat the oil to 350oF for frying. Lightly sprinkle the oysters with Creole seasoning. In a shallow bowl, combine the flour, masa flour, and Creole seasoning, to taste.
Dredge the oysters in the seasoned flour, coating completely. Fry in batches until crispy and golden. About 2 to 3 minutes. As soon as the oysters float, cook for 1-2 minutes then remove and drain on paper towels. Season with Creole seasoning. Just make sure you don’t overcook them. The oysters should be hot, still plump, and the outside coating golden and crispy.
A little tip, after coating the oysters with the seasoned flour you can lay them on trays in the freezer for up to an hour or so. That allows the flour to dry and better adhere to the bi-valve.
To serve, mound some salad in the center of each serving plate drizzled with your favorite dressing – buttermilk, blue cheese, Caesar, etc. Arrange the oysters around the salad and garnish with the cheese.
Fish House’s Fried Oysters
When it comes to fried oysters most folks either love them or hate them.
In 1918 H.L. Mencken wrote, “No civilized man, save perhaps in mere bravado, would voluntarily eat a fried oyster.” So much for one of the supposedly most influential American journalist’s / essayist’s being a sage. Shows how little he knew.