Moules au curry (Curried Steamed Mussels)

Frankantipasti, piatti unici3 Comments

Moules au curry (Curried Steamed Mussels)

Here’s a wonderfully rich but yet light supper dish— Curried Steamed Mussels —from Belgium, the world capital of mussel dishes. With a crusty baguette to sop up the delicious sauce, you have a one-way ticket to culinary nirvana. Ingredients Serves 4-6 2 kilos (4 lbs) mussels 4 shallots, peeled and finely minced … Read More

Prosciutto e fichi (Prosciutto Wrapped Figs)

Frankantipasti9 Comments

Prosciutto Wrapped Figs

Everyone these days knows about pairing prosciutto with melon but few people seem to know about another, to my mind even more delicious, pairing: Prosciutto Wrapped Figs. Personally, I find that the richer flavor and softer texture of figs marries even better with the saltiness of cured ham. If you … Read More

How to Roast a Pepper

Frankantipasti, reference3 Comments

A quick note today on the method for roasting peppers. And a very common—and very savory—antipasto: peperoni con alici, or Roasted Peppers with Anchovies. How to roast a pepper The lusty, smoky flavor of home-roasted peppers more than justifies the minimal effort required to make them. You begin by charring … Read More

Whitefish brandade

Frankantipasti, snack2 Comments

  Salt cod can be hard to find. It takes some considerable time to prepare and, plus, codfish stocks are dangerously depleted. So what is a brandade maven like myself to do? Well, I recently “invented” a new dish by using smoked whitefish–something you can fish in almost any grocery … Read More