Buttery Mashed Potatoes

Frankcontorno9 Comments

While it’s true that we mostly eat Italian at home, there are some dishes that even I have to admit the French do better. (I hope Angelina isn’t listening….) One of them is potato puree, also known as mashed potatoes, and, more specifically, the incredibly buttery version made famous by … Read More

Minestrone: A Primer

Frankprimi piatti, reference, Soups32 Comments

Many people think of minestrone as the kind of hearty fare best eaten in the cold weather months. Minestrone is wonderful in fall and winter, of course, but it can actually be enjoyed year-round, its component ingredients changing with the seasons, served hot in the winter, warm in the spring … Read More

Al contadino non far sapere…

Frankdessert12 Comments

In our house dessert is usually a piece of fruit. But now that the weather is turning cooler, cheese, especially aged cheese, is making a reappearance on the dinner table. It’s a great way to end off a meal and, of course, fruit and cheese are a divinely inspired combination. … Read More

Pasta e ceci (Pasta and Chickpeas)

Frankpasta, primi piatti, Soups17 Comments

There’s nothing so satisfying yet so quick and simple than the combination of pasta and some sort of legume–beans, peas or, in this case, ceci (chickpeas). And, as you probably know, the combination makes for a complete protein with plenty of fiber and no cholesterol. This kind of thing is … Read More

How to make fresh egg pasta

Frankpasta, reference35 Comments

fresh egg pasta

Fresh egg pasta, variously known in Italian as pasta fresca or pasta fatta in casa or pasta all’uovo, is one of the pillars of Italian cookery. Given the poor quality of most store bought fresh pasta—not to mention the price—every would be Italian cook should really learn to make it … Read More