Primi piatti

Polenta con salsicce e spuntature (Polenta with Sausages and Spareribs) Polenta pasticciata con fagioli e verza (Baked polenta with Cabbage and Beans) Slow Cooker Polenta with Sausage Ragù Spaetzle di…

Spezzatino di manzo (Italian Beef Stew)

FrankFall, piatti unici, Winter20 Comments

Italian Beef Stew

…the fresh herbs, if used, and serve your Italian beef stew over a nice, hot bed of freshly made polenta (see recipe here). 3.1 (c) Frank A. Fariello, Jr….

Italian Food Culture: A primer

Frankreference27 Comments

Italian Food Culture

…with meats as in polenta e osei (polenta with roasted birds) or polenta and sausages. You call this kind of combination dish a piatto unico. Rule 7: Salads are most often…