Another milestone (Updated)

Gentle readers,

A quick note to share with you some wonderful news: Memorie di Angelina now has over 4000 subscribers via email, readers and various social networks, up from 2000 in February, only three months ago!

And that doesn’t count those of you who read Memorie di Angelina through the Gnocchi ai Funghi Recipe Exchange Club, which has also experienced enormous growth and now has over 4750 members…

I want to express, again, my sincerest thanks for your readership and all your kind comments.  And to all those new readers out there, welcome!

Con grande affetto e gratitudine, Frank

PS: Well, well… the good news continues! Only three days later, and the numbers above are already out of date. Memorie di Angelina now has over 5000 subscribers, and the Club has over 5000 members! Thanks again, friends. Your support is an honor! (5 May 2010)

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16 thoughts on “Another milestone (Updated)”

  1. I also want to express my gratitude to all of you. As Frank's baby sister, I can assure you that we are all very proud of Frank. Thanks for all your lovely thoughts! I taught him everything he knows…LOL!!

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