Minestrone: A Primer

Frankprimi piatti, reference, Soups32 Comments

Many people think of minestrone as the kind of hearty fare best eaten in the cold weather months. Minestrone is wonderful in fall and winter, of course, but it can actually be enjoyed year-round, its component ingredients changing with the seasons, served hot in the winter, warm in the spring … Read More

How to make fresh egg pasta

Frankpasta, reference36 Comments

fresh egg pasta

Fresh egg pasta, variously known in Italian as pasta fresca or pasta fatta in casa or pasta all’uovo, is one of the pillars of Italian cookery. Given the poor quality of most store bought fresh pasta—not to mention the price—every would be Italian cook should really learn to make it … Read More

How to Roast a Pepper

Frankantipasti, reference3 Comments

A quick note today on the method for roasting peppers. And a very common—and very savory—antipasto: peperoni con alici, or Roasted Peppers with Anchovies. How to roast a pepper The lusty, smoky flavor of home-roasted peppers more than justifies the minimal effort required to make them. You begin by charring … Read More

Italian Food Culture: A primer

Frankreference29 Comments

Italian Food Culture

There is much more to Italian food culture than many people outside Italy realize. Mastering the art of Italian cooking is not just a matter of learning recipes. It requires coming to understand a whole approach to the preparation and eating of food. And one way to get a good … Read More

Ada Boni: Il Talismano della Felicità

Frankreference16 Comments

Ada Boni

Writing only about two decades after Artusi, another giant of Italian gastronomy, Ada Boni, produced an even more monumental work entitled Il Talismano della Felicità, literally the “Talisman of Happiness”. Unlike Artusi, who was basically a talented amateur, Ada Boni was a professional food writer. In 1915, she founded a … Read More